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Get Vars directly to the view (Cleaning Controller)

Hi all.
For clean my Controller, i want to pass all $_GET vars from URI controller to view directly.


function index($vars, $id, $name, $abracadaba)
        $data['vars'] = $vars;
        $data['id'] = $id;
        $data['name'] = $name;
        $data['abracadaba'] = $abracadaba;
        $this->load->view('news/news_view', $data);

To something like this:

function index($vars, $id, $name, $abracadaba)
        $this->load->vars($_GET); //for example
        $this->load->view('news/news_view', $data);

In View


Any ideas? Smile

Ps. No, $this->input->get() is the same, i think. $this->uri->uri_string() maybe. But it loose the vars name, so it's a wrong way....

Ops... wrong section. Sorry :|

You have to enable query string in the config and set the uri protocol to PATH_INFO. But the query string pairs will not be attached to the controller method. That is only for url segments.

[quote author="xwero" date="1224244543"]You have to enable query string in the config and set the uri protocol to PATH_INFO. But the query string pairs will not be attached to the controller method. That is only for url segments.[/quote]

I know... But if vars are aviable in controller, why force to rebind all of them to use in view??. It should be set native by codeigniter controller... will be a real time-saving.

-func_get_args() useless :|

There is nothing that stops you from doing this
but i think you prefer the shorter variable name.

But i think you want to go back to the times where all REQUEST keys where reachable via a variable. This way of programming is insecure and error prone.

[quote author="xwero" date="1224255167"]
There is nothing that stops you from doing this
But i think you want to go back to the times where all REQUEST keys where reachable via a variable. This way of programming is insecure and error prone.[/quote]

Ehmm... not and not Smile Only write less.
So, no realistic way... so this is the end, my only friend, the end.

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