Is there a way to configure flexigrid, that the columns always use the entire row, regardless of their content? (like the behaviour of a classic html-table).
Unfortunately I wasn't successful with width='auto', but maybe this configuration isn't supposed to. (I tried some auto-width combinations with col-width & grid-width, too - no success)
Here is my example call (pretty basic)
url\: '___DYNAMICURLPATH___',
dataType\: 'json',
colModel \: \[
{display\: '', name \: 'act', width \: 'auto', align\: 'left'},
{display\: 'Name', name \: 'name', width \: 'auto', align\: 'left'},
buttons \: \[
{name\: 'Question anlegen', bclass\: 'add', onpress \: addObject}
# searchitems \: \[
# {display\: 'Name', name \: 'name', isdefault\: true},
# {display\: 'Ort', name \: 'ort'}
# \],
sortname\: "name",
sortorder\: "asc",
usepager\: true,
title\: 'Objekte',
useRp\: true,
rp\: 15,
showTableToggleBtn\: true,
width\: 'auto',
onSubmit\: addFormData,
onSuccess\: setAjaxForms,
height\: 400
thanks for any advice!