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What is the best IDE for development with CI

I've tried Programmer's Notepad, Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime 3 since the past few years with VSC + Atom being used heavily recently just because I couldn't afford to pay for ST3 (although it's free to use but the nagging screen will get to your nerve somehow). I'm not going to talk about the later but I will let you know my personal preference.

Fastest Boot = ST3
Useful Extensions/Packages = ST3
Best Friendly Interface = ST3
Git Support = VSC / Atom
CI3 Snippet = All
UIKit3 Snippet = All but auto-complete works best in ST3 compared to VSC and Atom.
Themes = All but I love Atom's dark UI (I used that on my ST3 as well because it's better than Monokai which is my 2nd choice).

Other important mentions = IntelliSense on VSC. I'm using PHPLinter on ST3 so whenever I forgot some lousy closing bracket or ; it will show a red dot besides the line number for easy debugging. Some color picker UI on ST3 to work with HTML/CSS.

Honestly, $80 is quite expensive for hobbyist but if you make money from your apps, that's just a small fraction you should invest and I can guarantee you it's worth you money. There are keys circulating around but I don't use it because I always support the developers. I'd rather go through the nagging than destroying the developers' income. I hope if my next project is a success, I'll certainly buy a few ST3 licenses. (lol, free advertisement)..

Messages In This Thread
RE: What is the best IDE for development with CI - by rangka.kacang - 06-20-2018, 03:57 PM

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