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What is the best IDE for development with CI

Do any of these IDEs with git support also have git-flow support implemented?

I'm downloading it, but dayum! 137 mb? LOL
Hey, don't work without a PHP debugger. Several free IDEs have this features built in. Two are NetBeans and CodeLobster. Without a debugger, it's like you're driving with a blindfold on -- you are going to crash!

I have recently switched from Aptana to PHP Storm.  I like PHP Storm much better.  

Sitepoint did a survey a year ago - maybe its a help for your decision

i use phpstorm too

(This post was last modified: 03-07-2015, 06:01 AM by Mohammadhzp. Edit Reason: typo )

I tried Netbeans and Phpstorm, they are equally good,both IDEs have everything plus Netbeans is free! so why pay while you can get all things you want for free ?
you can get Auto-completion in Netbeans for CI, just a quick search

Thanks for all your recommendations and hints, they are a great help to me.

For those which will find this post later on here a short summary:

Recommendations______#votes__________#rank usage (out of the link provided)

PhpStorm (pay)________IIIII_____________1
Sublime text 3 (free)____III______________2
Netbeans (free)________II______________ 3
Aptana _______________I                        
Code Lobster __________I
Titanium Studio ________I

I bought already PhpStorm and downloaded Sublime text 3, I am interested if the money invested for PhpStorm its worth it.

CodeIgniter plugin for NetBeans 8.0 has been released.

there is also another repository, NetBeans Plugin for CodeIgniter

Microsoft visual studio code is a great IDE for codeigniter. You can install plugin's for codeigniter. It helps me a lot when including Libraries and Models. It is a great Tool

I have been using the ActiveState Komodo IDE for years now.
I use it not only for CI but also for WordPress, PERL and Zend development.

It has a great debugger, shows syntax for HTMl, PHP, JS, PERL and many more even if mixed in the same document and autocomplete function.
It has macros, code snippets and a plethora of other function. It integrates with SVN and I think with Git as well. But I dont use git so cannot be sure on that.
On the package it said needs Windows 7 or better. So I installed Linux.

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