[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Seems to be an issue selecting user_timeline('', 5). Not only was it adding a & to the end of the string which seemed to break the feed (I have a patch on my localbox for that one) but it seems to fetch the XML and still return false.
[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Mainly because it would be pretty funny :-P
This still isn't working for me. I cant seem to find where it is going wrong as it returns all the XML it needs, it just seems to return false on the _fetch();
Will look into this again as I have forgotten the results of my last debug.
[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Thats right. If you are using apt-get or yum you can just install the packages "libcurl" and "php-curl" to get that working.
Yeah, ok..that would work on my local machine, but not on actual website...guess I will have to ask the hoster for that one...
[eluser]Mikey McCorry[/eluser]
Just wanted to say thanks very much simonmaddox, this is going to come in VERY handy. Any plans to incorporate Twitter's OAuth API?
[eluser]Bluemill Media[/eluser]
I'd love to see OAuth integration. Seems more and more people are reluctant to give their password out now that OAuth is available.
[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Shouldn't be too difficult to use this code as a basis. Would require the OAuth to be converted to a library and then the twitterOAuth.php code could be integrated with the existing library.
Really dont have the time what with PyroCMS and Rest Server coming along so well, but it would be great to see this done.