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Scandinavian letters not working

So far I have good experience with CodeIgniter and it's natural way of working. Now I have ran into problems with Scandinavian letters, to be specific: ä,ö,å. I can't display them correctly and the way my site shows them is like this: "lisää random juttua" when it should be "lisää random juttua". According to the configuration, my site should use utf-8. Any ideas/fixes?

Make sure your files are encoded with UTF-8 and also make sure you have this line in your <head>

<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

I had the same issue with the ü character recently, it was just my file encoding.

Should have figured this out by myself. Thanx, this helped.

It's always the little things. Glad I could help.

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