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[Helper] Automatically link to routes in site_url(), redirect() and anchor()

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Setting up routes is all well and good but when you change the route you need to run around your application changing all links to it.

I made a small modification that will allow you to link to the normal URI then have it output the route in the URL.

An example of supported routes:

$route['edit-settings'] = "users/settings/edit";
$route['page-:any-:any'] = 'pages/$2/$1';

You can then use:

<?=anchor('users/settings/edit', 'Edit Setting');?>

and it will link you to http://example.com/edit-settings.html.

Here is the code in the form of an extended MY_url_helper.php.

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

* CodeIgniter URL Helpers - Extended
* @package        CodeIgniter
* @subpackage    Helpers
* @category    Helpers
* @author        Philip Sturgeon

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Site URL
* Create a local URL based on your basepath. Segments can be passed via the
* first parameter either as a string or an array.
* @access    public
* @param    string
* @return    string
if ( ! function_exists('site_url'))
    function site_url($uri = '')
        // Is there a literal match?  If so we're done
        if (in_array($uri, $route))
            $uri = array_search($uri, $route);
            foreach ($route as $key => $val)
                if(!$key or !$val) continue;
                preg_match_all('#(:any|:num)+#', $key, $rules);
                preg_match_all('#\$([0-9]+)#', $val, $references);
                if(empty($rules[0]) or empty($references[0])) continue;
                for($i = 0; $i < count($rules[0]); $i++)
                    $key = substr_replace($key, $references[0][$i], strpos($key, $rules[0][$i]), 4);
                    $val = substr_replace($val, $rules[0][$i], strpos($val, $references[0][$i]), 2);
                $val = str_replace(':any', '(.+)', str_replace(':num', '([0-9]+)', $val));
                // Does the RegEx match?
                if (preg_match('#^'.$val.'$#', $uri))
                    $uri = preg_replace('#^'.$val.'$#', $key, $uri);

        $CI =& get_instance();
        return $CI->config->site_url($uri);

/* End of file url_helper.php */
/* Location: ./system/helpers/url_helper.php */

Note: This only works with static routes and routes using :any or :num. That means if you use regex in your route it WILL NOT WORK. This is something I will look into, but not right now.

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[Helper] Automatically link to routes in site_url(), redirect() and anchor() - by El Forum - 01-15-2009, 06:53 AM

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