NetBeans Plugin - Second Iteration |
Basically you are as safe as the framework. Assuming the framework is kept up to date, so you're running the latest version of the java run time you should be OK. But the article I posted suggested there will other zero-day vulnerabilities. These don't necessarily have to propagate through java being enabled in the browser, so even disabling it in the browser - that doesn't cover you as being safe. As long as the java run time is on, you're potentially at risk, and unfortunately because java runs on all operating systems so called secure posix type systems like mac and linux which are (well know for its hardy security system) for example have been exploited! To me this is a bad bad sign. And personally the only reason why java isn't a long time dead like flash almost is - is because of company dependance on legacy java written systems. It looks like the OS giants (windows and mac) are going the right way by not installing java as default on their latest OS flavours but in my opinion they should kill it altogether.
To be frank the same could be same for dotnet. In fact, even python runs on a virtual machine of sorts and is subject to vulnerability, it's probably at a similar risk to java but doesn't get the same amount of media coverage. So the reality is, if you choose to run java, the choice is yours- you might need it if your job requires it ![]() But you'll never catch me running java on a posix system. The framework is too huge and riddled with issues for me to even consider breaking it out. Luckily I used to rely on it for arduino programming but since then a good few native style git repos allows me to flash code directly to the board. But I digress. P.S Hope you made dinner on time ![]()
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