Excuse my poor english ...
It's a great idea to have a Netbeans plugin but i don't understand how to use it.
- Integrated Help : doesn't seem to show.
- Code Completion : ctrl+space is ok for view (i see views also with $this->load->model('model')) . But -> doesn't show more than usually
- Smart Navigation : sometimes it's ok sometimes not
- Starter Applications : OK
- Code Generation : don't understand how to do it ?! I can choose a model, controller or view ... ok. Give it a name .I d'on't know what are the item/links after ? Nothing is created or i don't see where .
- Plugin Manager : don't understand what it is and how to use it ?!
Perhaps it's just me who don't know how to to use this plugin, i am a beginner with CI, i was previouly with zend 1 and 2.