(03-19-2015, 11:14 AM)djwoods Wrote: The integrated help should be visible in 2 places:
1) There should be a search bar in the toolbar which says "search CI Docs". Use this to search the CodeIgniter user guide for a class / method.
2) When you right click on a method, you should have the option to "Go to CI Docs". Clicking this will take you directly to the CodeIgniter documentation for that method, unless (1) the method name is ambiguous, in which case you'll be taken to the search results of the CI Userguide or (2) the method is not a CodeIgniter function, an error tone should play.
If either of these don't work for you, please let me know 
First i'm sorry but the docs wasn't so clear when i looked at it last time.
I made new tests and i have problems with right click.
For example :$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE);
if i right click and "Go to CI Docs" i have a tone, but if i use the "search CI Docs" in the toolbar i find it. I never managed to have the right click work.