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Which code editing environment (IDE) to use while developing codeigniter

[eluser]John Pantoja[/eluser]
I'm using NuSphere's PhpEd 5.6 and I noticed that it picked up CI for code completion except the super object (doing $this->anything not in current file results in screwing for virginity) but I'm sure there is a way to do it.

I think Notepad++ might be good but I'm not sure how to set it up for CC.

[quote author="ascotan" date="1264151053"]
For the love of g*d, just stay away from dreamweaver. Kittens are killed every time a page is made in dreamweaver.[/quote]

I second and third that!

Messages In This Thread
Which code editing environment (IDE) to use while developing codeigniter - by El Forum - 01-22-2010, 12:58 AM

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