I've been investigating this all day, looking for just a wee bit of sample code to set me on my way, but no luck so far.
My question: must I use separate validators for each field? Maybe there's something fundamental I'm not understanding about callbacks here, but since I need to check the database for both the username and password, I was hoping to check both from the same callback, and have a successful login processed by one, concise chunk of code.
So.. can I pass more than one field into a callback function? I assume I can via an array of some sort, but a nudge in the right direction, or "give up" would be helpful!
It's funny you should mention this, because I do exactly this. It really helps keep things a lot more organized.
Rules Array:
Code: // Controller public page
function edit_profile()
// ... snip ...
$rules = array(
array('field' => 'timezone',
'label' => 'Timezone',
'rules' => 'required|callback__edit_profile[timezone]'
array('field' => 'birth_month',
'label' => 'Birth Month',
'rules' => 'required|callback__edit_profile[birth_month]'
array('field' => 'birth_day',
'label' => 'Birth Day',
'rules' => 'required|callback__edit_profile[birth_day]'
array('field' => 'birth_year',
'label' => 'Birth Year',
'rules' => 'required|callback__edit_profile[birth_year]'
array('field' => 'display_age',
'label' => 'Display Age',
'rules' => 'callback__edit_profile[display_age]'
array('field' => 'country',
'label' => 'Country',
'rules' => 'callback__edit_profile[country]'
array('field' => 'state',
'label' => 'State/Province',
'rules' => 'callback__edit_profile[state]'
// ...snip. ...
When you are setting rules, callbacks allow you to pass a value to the function as the second parameter (which I have setup as $which). All you need to do is simply enclose what you are trying to do in brackets [ ]
Then my edit profile callback:
Code: function _edit_profile($value = '', $which = '')
case 'timezone':
if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->lookups['timezone']))
$this->form_validation->set_message('_edit_profile', 'Invalid Timezone Selected');
return FALSE;
case 'birth_month':
if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->lookups['birth_month']))
$this->form_validation->set_message('_edit_profile', 'Invalid Month Selected');
return FALSE;
case 'birth_day':
if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->lookups['birth_day']))
$this->form_validation->set_message('_edit_profile', 'Invalid Day Selected');
return FALSE;
case 'birth_year':
if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->lookups['birth_year']))
$this->form_validation->set_message('_edit_profile', 'Please enter a valid year ex. xxxx');
return FALSE;
case 'display_age':
if (!in_array($value, $this->lookups['display_age']))
$this->form_validation->set_message('_edit_profile', 'Invalid value passed');
return FALSE;
case 'country':
if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->lookups['countries']))
$this->form_validation->set_message('_edit_profile', 'Invalid Country Selected');
return FALSE;
case 'state':
if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->lookups['states']))
$this->form_validation->set_message('_edit_profile', 'Invalid State Selected');
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Hope this helps. Some people may raise the question of needing to pass a value and which validation to check. Simply use delimitors EX: set_rules> callback__edit_profile[state:32] and do a split in the callback.
Great, incredibly helpful! Will post more questions soonish i'm sure.
I would also submit that the documentation is a bit lacking in this area...using a single callback for multiple form fields seems an obvious thing to demonstrate!
Huh, I can't find any doc references to: "$this->lookups" Where does it come from?
Sorry, don't take the code too literally. I cut it out of my edit profile controller.
That lookups variable holds all of the data returned from my model for populating the form (dropdowns / selection boxes); so that is something I do.
Do whatever validation you need too in between the cases.
This form is a massive form that takes in birth date, a lot of personal information, timezone, country etc. So as you can assume, lots of drop downs in there. I always verify that what they selected is an actual available value. Don't need people inserting their own stuff by making their own custom form.
Ah! Gotcha, I was fearing there was some dark corner of PHP or CI that I'd never heard of. But I like the naming convention, may roll my own..
drewbee's posts got me thinking and experimenting, and I came across something unexpected and convenient for producing error messages when dealing with multiple fields in a custom validation function. distilled down, here's my setup:
Code: $this->rules['bigfield'] = 'required';
$this->fields['bigfield'] = 'Big number';
$this->rules['smallfield'] = 'required|callback__not_more_than[bigfield]';
$this->fields['smallfield'] = 'Small number';
here's my callback function:
Code: function _not_more_than($val, $check_field) {
if ($val <= $_POST[$check_field]) return true;
$this->validation->set_message('_not_more_than', "Error: '%s' is more than '%s'");
return false;
From the docs, I did expect the first "%s" to turn into "Small number", but the second "%s" turned into "Big number". CI actually reaches into the fields array I fed set_fields to turn the callback's second parameter into the actual field name. Nice. That makes the error message:
Quote:Error: 'Small number' is more than 'Big number'
Disclaimer: $_POST has already been whitelisted and validated. Using the raw $_POST is verboten.