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CodeIgniter Vision

I'm very happy, i can back to use Code Igniter in my projects.

Now i can help to the project Big Grin

is there any plans to move future versions of CI (3.0 included) away form OSL license to something like MIT or BSD? The OSL license that Ellislab put on CI3 is rather restrictive in my opinion. You would probably get better community involvement by moving away from the OSL license.

Nice to know that Codeigniter now is in good hands! Looking forward to using version 3.0 when it's ready.
Keep up the good work!

Hello jlp,
In fact I am happy to know all of these about CI Future.
many thanks because you did the CPR for CI and has a new life.
I used to train people to use CI and now it is Laravel but now I would like to go back to train them using CI as long as it is a life.
I would like to know about the opportunities to be a Certified training Partner in my region.

thanks again

(11-13-2014, 08:56 AM)UxSapn Wrote: Hello jlp,
In fact I am happy to know all of these about CI Future.
many thanks because you did the CPR for CI and has a new life.
I used to train people to use CI and now it is Laravel but now I would like to go back to train them using CI as long as it is a life.
I would like to know about the opportunities to be a Certified training Partner in my region.

thanks again

There is no CodeIgniter certification program at present.
There have been a few requests for something along this line, so it may might be an idea to look into down the road.

Many thanks jlp for your efforts to push CI forward as a "community-driven" framework Smile

Like UxSapn, I myself plan to start spreading CI's adoption through independent classes in my country.

(10-23-2014, 05:53 AM)GeorgeD Wrote: We should also focus on tutorials.
Laracasts.com is a great website, and I think is one of the reasone why laravel is popular.
CodeIgniter should have a dedicated site(a subdomain, maybe) full with tutorials(text+video) for CodeIgniter and PHP. This site should also be "community-driven", tutorials free for everyone.

@jpl there you could publish your course from bcit.

+1 this will help the community a loot in the future.

No one can overlook the power of a community, having been relicensed CI has taken a new twist, with developers from all over the world always online on the forum, testing and help to newbies will be as easy as 123...

(10-23-2014, 05:53 AM)GeorgeD Wrote: We should also focus on tutorials.
Laracasts.com is a great website, and I think is one of the reasone why laravel is popular.
CodeIgniter should have a dedicated site(a subdomain, maybe) full with tutorials(text+video) for CodeIgniter and PHP. This site should also be "community-driven", tutorials free for everyone.

@jpl there you could publish your course from bcit.

+1 That will be so nice .. will advance ppl a loot in CI.

This is really great news! I'm happy the CI is alive and strong. I hope I can help in some way.
Mark Willcox - Data Helper, Inc.

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