[quote author="deanf7" date="1245356400"]Any suggestions general suggestions for reducing memory load on a page running 0 queries, but still using 2,732,616 bytes of memory. I develop on Windows and page loading is fine. The memory usage is very similar when I move it over to our dedicated Linux server, where the app. runs brutally slowly.[/quote]
Do we think that 3MB is a lot of memory? It's a large code base (CI) so you'd have a fairly linear growth rate per user code once you get over the CI hump, so to speak. Remember that on your average web server this equates to something less 0.15% of your RAM, for something less than a tenth of a second.
Instead of running your server application, was there something you'd rather the computer be doing with its memory?
If you want to track things, use the profiler class - and put marks throughout your code. Haven't tried this for memory usage, so not sure if that works as reliably as the elapsed time stuff. Something for someone (else) to find out and report back on.