I love codeigniters rapid developement and I have nearly finished building my own CMS system that I am using for a number of upcoming projects. This is based around the default application structure.
The one thing that I can't quite get it how to make my CMS more future proof so that if I write a controller/model for a specific function for one project (e.g. Blog/Gallery/shop) I can easily move it to a new project without having to copy loads of files. Django has the excellent feature of being able to mover "apps" and "suites" into your project and link to them in your config settings.
I had dabbled with HMVC on another CMS I built at work where we had an admin and front end controller in each module that worked but then things got slighlty messy with members area and complicated routes.
I had a quick read of the Matchbox Ignited code post on the forum and there seems to be issues with its integration into the latest version of CI.
Has anyone come up with a more robust solution ?