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Constructor Problem

Hi, I'm trying to implement my own library, there is an constructor like this one:
class Menu {
    function Menu()
        $CI =& get_instance();  


fucntion get_menu ($param){

$CI ->load->model('m_menu');
function three(){

But when I try to use $CI in functions, there is an error :

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined variable: CI

Filename: libraries/menu.php

Line Number: 29

I call my library this way:
$menu1 = new Menu();
$error['menu'] = $menu1->get_menu('PL');
the solution is to add $CI =& get_instance();
in all functions in the class, but I thought it should take $CI from constructor, am I wrong?

For a start, you mis spelt function for get_menu
You need to either make the CI instance a class variable, or create an instance for each function

For the first method, use
class Menu {
    var $CI;
    function Menu() {
        $this->CI =& get_instance();
    function get_menu($param) {

Thanks, that works.
I'm confused that in userguide is:

Once you've assigned the object to a variable, you'll use that variable instead of $this:

and example
$CI =& get_instance();

I'll do it Your way :coolsmile: , I think it's more comfortable and useful
Thanks again

I'm assuming that's only specific to that function
It's just trying to make the point that in most cases (eg controllers you use $this->load etc) but in this case you need to use $CI->load etc

If you make the CI instance a class variable, you access it just like any other class variable, ie. $this->CI
so it now becoes $this->CI->load etc

Clear things up a bit?

yeah, it's clear, thanks

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