OK, I've found my problem, but I'm not sure how to fix it. For some reason NicEdit is escaping the data detailed in my original post, so HTML Purifier is not parsing it as (X)HTML. I posted on the NicEdit forums, and couldn't help noticing:
a) The fact that the copyright notice doesn't seem to cover this year.
b) That a lot of help requests had not been replied to.
c) The tumble weed blowing from one side of the NicEdit forum, to the other.
Clearly NicEdit isn't as popular as I'd hoped, so I thought I should see if I can get better support for NicEdit in the CodeIgniter forums, than I could in the NicEdit forums.
Has anyone who's used NicEdit had to deal with the problem before? All of the actual HTML is returned correctly, it's just the stuff that would usually appear in the <head> of the document and comments, that are converted to entities. I'm starting to consider moving over to a different WYSIWYG editor, but NicEdit is so lightweight and simple, I'm trying to resist the urge.