[eluser]SSgt Dodger USMC[/eluser]
First off, Thanks slowgary. Your post gave me a ton of ideas to go with.
I played for a few hours, and this is what ended up working for me:
var id = $(this).attr("id").split("-"); // Split the id value at the hyphen, and grab the ticketnum.
var ticnum = id[1]; // Set the ticket number from the split value.
var ajax = true; // Set the ajax variable to true. This is to do ajax checking in the controller.
// Check to see if the textarea is empty.
if($("#actionlogbox"+ticnum).val() == "")
{ // If empty, return nothing.
return false; // die!
{ // There is something typed in the textarea, and should be placed into the ticket.
$.post("http://localhost/test/index.php/ajaxtasks/actionLog", // This is the URL of the code you want to run when clicked.
updateText: $("#actionlogbox"+ticnum).val(), // Set the variable for the typed in text.
ticketNum: ticnum // set the variable for the ticket number.
function(data) // this is what to run if the ajax update is successful.
$('#actionlog-'+ticnum).html(data); // update the screens info on the actionlog.
$("#actionlogbox"+ticnum).val(''); // empty the textarea.
return false; // stop the button from working normally.
} // End else
}); // End click function.
the controller:
function actionLog()
$updateString = "<br />".$this->input->post('updateText',TRUE); // make the BR and set the passed variable to this field.
$ticketNum = $this->input->post('ticketNum',TRUE); // Grab the ticketnumber from POST
$newActionLog = $this->m_tickets->actionLogUpdate($ticketNum,$updateString); // Go update the database!
echo $newActionLog;
and the model functions:
function actionLogPull($ticketNum=NULL)
$this->db->where('ticketnum', $ticketNum); // Grab only the status for the ticket requested $requestednum=NULL
$requestedticket = $this->db->get('tickets'); // set the initial ticket info to a variable
return $requestedticket->row('actionlog'); // Send the existing actionlog back to the calling function.
function actionLogUpdate($ticketNum=NULL,$updateString=NULL)
$oldLogString = $this->actionLogPull($ticketNum); // grab the current ActionLog from the ticket.
$newLogString = $oldLogString.$updateString; // create a string to update the ticket with.
$this->db->where('ticketnum', $ticketNum); // Set update scope to the requested ticket only.
$this->db->update('tickets', array('actionlog' => $newLogString)); // Add the new string to the database.
return $newLogString; // Send the new string back to the calling function
If anyone can point out a better way to accomplish this, please let me know. But for now... solved!