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problem with dompdf

Dear Forum member.

i just start dompdf. and i have one problems.

this is the function.
function pdf()
      pdf_create(‘some test text’, ‘test_file’,FALSE);  
but when load it’s display message: ‘Page Load Error!’;

In my opinion i think it’s cause by my browser.(my browzer: firefox 3)
it can't create PDF file.

Please help me.

Best regards,

[eluser]Thorpe Obazee[/eluser]
Try a demo of bambooinvoice.org of bambooinvoice. If it an causes error then it probably is. Although I doubt that it's the cause.

Dear Forum Member,

Thanks for bambooinvoice.

I have read and test it ready. But when i apply to my project Still not work. i still got message "Page load error".

This is my code.

function pdf($output = TRUE)
        $data['title'] ='Daily Report';
        $data['dialy_visitor'] = $this->report->daily_visitor();
        $html = $this->load->view('report/report_visitor_daily', $data, TRUE);

Please help me agian.

Best regards,

[eluser]Thorpe Obazee[/eluser]
[quote author="romeo" date="1246280910"]Dear Forum Member,

Thanks for bambooinvoice.

I have read and test it ready. But when i apply to my project Still not work. i still got message "Page load error".

This is my code.

function pdf($output = TRUE)
        $data['title'] ='Daily Report';
        $data['dialy_visitor'] = $this->report->daily_visitor();
        $html = $this->load->view('report/report_visitor_daily', $data, TRUE);

Please help me agian.

Best regards,[/quote]

What's Daily_Report in the pdf_create function()?

I am sorry. Here just the name of file.


[eluser]Thorpe Obazee[/eluser]
the function from Derek accepts 2 parameters only. Did you create your own plugin?

Yes, you are right. I have corrected it ready, but it's still not work.Please look at my code below:
function pdf_create($html, $filename)
    $dompdf = new DOMPDF();

Here is my controller:
function pdf()
        $data['title'] ='Daily Report';
        $data['dialy_visitor'] = $this->report->daily_visitor();
        $html = $this->load->view('report/report_visitor_daily', $data, TRUE);
        echo $html;

Here is my Veiw:
<table class="invoice_items stripe">
            <th>Visitor Name</th>
            <th>Time in</th>
        &lt;?php foreach ($dialy_visitor as $item):?&gt;
        <tr valign="top">
            <td><p>&lt;?php echo $item->vis_id;?&gt;</p></td>
            <td>&lt;?php echo $item->vis_name;?&gt;</td>
            <td><p>&lt;?php echo $item->vis_time_in;?&gt;</p></td>
            <td><p>&lt;?php echo $item->vis_goal?&gt;</p></td>
        &lt;?php endforeach;?&gt;

Best regards,

sorry, for
echo $html

it's just my testing.

[eluser]Thorpe Obazee[/eluser]
I don't think you should use echo in the controller method.

Edit: you beat me with the 'echo'.

I believe you need some extension for dompdf to work. Have you check that it is enabled on your server?

Quote:PHP 5.0.0+ with the DOM extension enabled. Note that the domxml PECL extenstion conflicts with the DOM extension and must be disabled.

Dear sir,

I have check DOM ready it's enable.Sorry for disturbing you.

Best regards,

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