Starting with CodeIgniter setup: suggestions & best practices |
Quote:- If you start a new project from scratch what is the best : starting with CI 1.7 or version 2.0 I don’t want to migrate in few weeks / month when my project will be finish !!Did you even read the original posts? It's covered the very first heading in there! Quote:- Second question relating with css and I can add javascriptDo a forum search on "asset management", there's many solutions that might help you. In general I'd suggest adding dirs like "css" and "images" in the same directory as the index.php, and then you can use CI's HTML helper for instance like this: Code: echo img('images/picture.jpg');
yes I read the begining of this post that is why I ask this question. I red "CodeIgniter 2.0 is unfinished at this point" so I imagine I have to wait... Sorry english is not my native language and as far as I understood it is too early. And concerning the second point thanks it confirm that I will keep what I did. Just add a directory in the same level as index.php ( only one because in want a simple installation and I don't want 100 folders to copy; I will have only 2 + index.php
Quote:yes I read the begining of this post that is why I ask this question. I red “CodeIgniter 2.0 is unfinished at this point” so I imagine I have to wait… Sorry english is not my native language and as far as I understood it is too early.From what you write I'm guessing you do get most English, and it helps to keep reading after the first sentense. Here's the third sentense in that paragraph: Quote:As such the 2.0 code is considered by many to be as stable or more stable then the 1.7.2 version. Also check out what Moderator Jamie Rumbelow wrote about this.
Thanks in that case, I have the green light and I will try CI2.0 ![]()
[quote author="Jondolar" date="1249796324"]You couldn't have posted this 3 months ago :-) Nice job and great contribution.[/quote]Thanks for taking the time in making this, nice contribution to the forums.
Hey Jelmer, Thanks for sharing your insights on CodeIgnitor. I wished I've come across it earlier; it would have made things WAY easier for me. Anyways, it's never too late. Thanks again! Sean
Thanks for your sharing. That is very helpful to me, really. |
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