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fatal error:Call to a member function query()

hi all,
iam new to ci iam developing a site in ci i got this error.my code is
        $ssss="select * from ab_admin where ad_uname='".$_POST['log_id']."' and ad_pass='".$_POST['log_pswd']."' and ad_status=1";
if ($this->db->num_rows() > 0)

foreach ($this->db->result_array() as $row)
.........//do something
but i got error
Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in D:\wamp\www\example\system\application\controllers\admin\welcome.php on line 17
can anyone help me
thanks in advance

Have you loaded the database? Either manually, or in the autoload file?

ya thanks for fast reply i got it i auto loaded it instead manually but
when loading error message it behaving stange
mycode is
        $ssss="select * from ab_admin where ad_uname='".$_POST['log_id']."' and ad_pass='".$_POST['log_pswd']."' and ad_status=1";
    //$query = $this->db->query("select * from `ab_admin` where ad_uname='".$_POST['log_id']."' and ad_pass='".$_POST['log_pswd']."' and ad_status=1");

if ($query->num_rows() > 0)

foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)
//if sucess then
} }else {
$data['msg']="InValid Login Details";


i got two pages one normal one and one with error message set

what i did wrong please correct me
thanks in advance

did you set the active record to TRUE ?
in the database configuration, l. 38 :
$active_record = TRUE;

yes,it is set to true

If you can post your complete model code, that might help!

Bhargav Khatana

sure here is my code
class Welcome extends Controller {

    function Welcome()
    function index()
        $ssss="select * from ab_admin where ad_uname='".$_POST['log_id']."' and ad_pass='".$_POST['log_pswd']."' and ad_status=1";
    //$query = $this->db->query("select * from `ab_admin` where ad_uname='".$_POST['log_id']."' and ad_pass='".$_POST['log_pswd']."' and ad_status=1");

if ($query->num_rows() > 0)

foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)

            if($log_row['ad_master']=='1'){ session_unregister("ad_master"); session_register("ad_master"); $_SESSION['ad_master']='yes';}
            if($log_row['ad_book']=='1'){ session_unregister("ad_book"); session_register("ad_book"); $_SESSION['ad_book']='yes';}
            if($log_row['ad_travel']=='1'){ session_unregister("ad_travel"); session_register("ad_travel"); $_SESSION['ad_travel']='yes';}
            if($log_row['ad_cms']=='1'){ session_unregister("ad_cms"); session_register("ad_cms"); $_SESSION['ad_cms']='yes';}
            if($log_row['ad_user_manage']=='1'){ session_unregister("ad_user_manage"); session_register("ad_user_manage"); $_SESSION['ad_user_manage']='yes';}
            if($log_row['ad_newsletter']=='1'){ session_unregister("ad_newsletter"); session_register("ad_newsletter"); $_SESSION['ad_newsletter']='yes';}
            if($log_row['ad_ads']=='1'){ session_unregister("ad_ads"); session_register("ad_ads"); $_SESSION['ad_ads']='yes';}
    }else {
    $data['errmsg']="Invalid Login Details";

and in view page i wrote
if(isset($errmsg)) { echo $errmsg;}

Can you please write following line in first place at your index() function and see if database object been created and assigned to CI or not ?

print "<pre>"; print_r($this);exit;

you should see something like this, [that's oracle I am using, you might see relevant result]

[db] => CI_DB_oci8_driver Object
            [dbdriver] => oci8
            [_escape_char] => "
            [_count_string] => SELECT COUNT(1) AS
            [_random_keyword] =>  ASC
            [_commit] => 32
            [stmt_id] =>
            [curs_id] =>
            [limit_used] =>
            [error] =>

If not can you please try loading database with the following line in your constructor.


Post the behavior and error if any !


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