[quote author="TaxiMan" date="1251664687"]I'll try to explain. I'm just learning CI by creating some project. And now there is a barrier. First of all I don't understand how can CI load secondary views from primary right?[/quote]
You can load views from within a view - that's quite do-able, and a lot of people do it this way.
*I* don't like it, because I find it confusing (and I think the controller should be handling this more directly).
There's some options for you [url="http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Header_and_footer_and_menu_on_every_page/"]in the wiki[/url] if you haven't found them already.
Quote:I have a lot of my controllers wish must use my method. Accordingly I must to create some parent class for the method. But this parent controller class must extends CI Controller.
Happily this is covered by the above page, too - as well as in [url="http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/general/core_classes.html"]some detail in the CI User Guide[/url]