I don't know how to ask better so I'll try to be as clear as possible
I'm using HMVC and Template Library
I have this controller which I want every other controller to extend, I know I could have used MY_Controller, but I prefer it this way.
Path of main.php - /system/application/controllers/main.php
<?php if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Main extends Controller{
public function Main(){
public function index(){
An example of another controller extending the Main controller
path of user.php - /system/application/modules/user/controllers/user.php
<?php if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
require_once(BASEPATH . 'application/controllers/main' . EXT);
class User extends Main{
public function User(){
public function index(){
As you can see from sample code, like this it works without a problem, but the moment I change the constructors to "__construct()" it is just giving me the 500 error.
I just want to make my app as PHP5 friendly as possible. Is there a solution to this (which I'm not aware of) ?.
Thanks in advance.