Pagination Problem Help me ... |
Hi, Iam newbie in CI. Pagination problem to my site ... its my code Controller : Code: $this->load->model('excute'); View : Code: <?php Model Code: function get_course2() Please anybody Help Me....
I'm going to take a guess at this and say that the links aren't working. The reason most likely being is that your not setting a uri_segment. It seems this is the number one cause of problems with the pagination class.
Pagination links created but shows all rows ...
This probably has something to do with your model and not the pagination class. The pagination class doesn't control how many entries to display. It simple gives you a starting point for your query.
[quote author="saidai jagan" date="1261593378"]post u r model function[/quote] model function : Code: function get_course2()
[eluser]saidai jagan[/eluser]
Code: $ddata['course'] = $this->excute->get_course2($config['per_page'],$this->uri->segment(3));
show's following error.... Code: A PHP Error was encountered Code: A PHP Error was encountered Code: A PHP Error was encountered Code: A Database Error Occurred 55th line is : Code: function get_course2($perpage,$start='0') 59th line : Code: $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM course WHERE course_no_of_seats > course_enroll_no LIMIT $start , $perpage");
[eluser]saidai jagan[/eluser]
will u post u r LATEST controller function and Model function ? |
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