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Language based on URL

[eluser]Kamil Rudnicki[/eluser]
If you want to set language based on URL, for example english for www.domain.com and polish for www.domain.pl you can use this funcion in your controllers constructors. It is very simple to use.

function setLanguage($dashboard = false)
        $obj =& get_instance();
        $languageToSet = false;
        //if the user is logged in  
            //set language based on logged users language

        //get domain name
        $domain = str_replace("www.","",$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
        if($domain == 'localhost'){
            return; //on localhost set lang to default
        if($domain == 'domain.pl') $languageToSet = 'pl';
        if($domain == 'domain.com') $languageToSet = 'en';
        //if it is a bot don't redirect!
        if ($obj->agent->is_robot())
           if($languageToSet == 'pl') $obj->lang->switch_to('polish');
            else $obj->lang->switch_to('english');

        //get language from browser
        if(get_cookie('welcomeback') === false) //if the user is for the first time on site
            $accept_langs = $obj->input->server('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE');
            $accept_langs = strtolower($accept_langs);
            $accept_langs = explode(",", $accept_langs);
            foreach ($accept_langs as $lang)
            // remove all after ';'
            $pos = strpos($lang,';');
            if ($pos !== false)
            { $lang = substr($lang,0,$pos); }
            // finish search if we support that language
            if ($lang == 'pl' || $lang == 'en')
                $languageToSet = $lang;

        //set the cookie
        set_cookie('welcomeback', '1', 1036800);

        //set language and/or redirect
        if($languageToSet == 'pl' && $domain == 'domain.pl')        $obj->lang->switch_to('polish');
        else if($languageToSet == 'en' && $domain == 'domain.com') $obj->lang->switch_to('english');
        else if($languageToSet == 'pl' && $domain == 'domain.com') header('Location: http://www.domain.pl/');
        else if($languageToSet == 'en' && $domain == 'domain.pl')  header('Location: http://www.domain.com/');

And in config.php:

$domain = str_replace("www.","",$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
if(!($domain == 'domain.pl' || $domain == 'domain.com')) $domain = 'domain.pl';

$config['base_url'] = ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") ? "https" : "http");
$config['base_url'] .= "://www.".$domain."/";

This is unsafe.

If you are not aware of the dangers of the $_SERVER global then please watch the PHP security video. You can alter that value by changing the request headers.

[eluser]Kamil Rudnicki[/eluser]
[quote author="Xeoncross" date="1262310738"]This is unsafe.[/quote]

Thanks for notice and great video. I just updated the code. Now it should be safe.

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