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help with loading multiple views

I am working on my first website with CI. I have done my view file template.php like this
<?php $this->load->view('newheader'); ?>
<?php $this->load->view('newnav'); ?>

<?php $this->load->view('newfeatured');?>
<?php $this->load->view('newcontent');?>
<?php $this->load->view('footer'); ?>
Which I have realised is a wrong way of loading multiple views in CI. I would like some help with moving all these view files to my controller but I am not sure on how to do this.

Congratulations and welcome to CI.

I think you are using the "model" of loading a single view template that, in turn, loads another view to display the content you need. This method is a little unorthodox but it will work.

Another method is to call the views individually (just like you have them minus all the duplicate php tags) in the controller:

class whatever extends Controller
function someaction() {

$data = array();
$data['content'] = 'Some content';


$this->load->view('newcontent', $data)

Of course, if you want to stay with the template model, you need to load that view from the controller:

class whatever extends Controller
function someaction() {

$data = array();
$data['contents'] = array('content'=>'Some content');
$data['view'] = 'content_view';

$this->load->view('template', $data)

and then in your template.php view:

<?php $this->load->view('newheader'); ?>
<?php $this->load->view('newnav'); ?>

<?php $this->load->view('newfeatured');?>
<?php $this->load->view($view, $contents);?>
<?php $this->load->view('footer'); ?>

Thanks you have helped me a lot. Now I think I will be able to work with the pagination on the single view because thats where I realised I had a problem with this method of loading multiple views in template file. Here is glimpse of the new controller
class Blog extends Controller {
  function Blog(){
    function index()
    $data['posts'] = array(); //we will replace soon!
    $data['cats'] = $this->MCats->getTopCategories(); //we will replace soon!
    $data['title'] = "Shout-Africa";
    $data['main'] = 'public_home';
    $data['featured'] = $this->MPosts->getAllFeaturedPosts();
    $data['post'] = $this->MPosts->getAllActivePosts();


I heavily recommend you to read my 3 blog posts about developing CMS with CodeIgniter,
the first one: http://blog.umnet.co.il/2009/11/25/devel...er-part-1/

I will help you to start coding with the right approach.

thanks I have had a look at your blog and its a good tutorial.

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