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index.php is called but nothing happens

forgive me for my ignorance, I have just begun using CI, I can see using echo that the site gets to the index.php file but it does not load anything? Can you guys direct me as where I have fouled up? I can provide you with more info if you let me know what you need to see.


Welcome goldie113,

Have You changed something or do You use CI as downloaded ?

as downloaded as far as I know I get no errors in my log file and nothing is displayed in the browser just white page

Hm, weird. I'd delete everything, download a new copy and try again.

If it does not work, turn logging on (4), Your last two lines should be :

DEBUG - 2010-02-11 17:40:11 --> Final output sent to browser
DEBUG - 2010-02-11 17:40:11 --> Total execution time: 0.0209

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