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PayPal Recurring Payments using PayPal_Lib linrary

Hi , try to download this sdk that provide from paypal

And follow this instruction please and more about this just open readme.md file ,

Using the SDK

To use the SDK,

* Copy the config and lib folders into your project. Modify the config file sdk_config.ini to suit your needs.
* Make sure that the lib folder in your project is available in PHP's include path.
* Include the services\PayPalAPIInterfaceService\PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService.php file in your code.
* Create a service wrapper object.
* Create a request object as per your project's needs. All the API request and response classes
are available in services\PayPalAPIInterfaceService\PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService.php
* Invoke the appropriate method on the service object.
Note : actually i am try to do this for my project recurring integration, their have a folder (merchant-sdk-php\samples\RecurringPayments) open it i hope it will be help for you. i am not fully success to create paypal recurring profile so i am still trying to do this, if you success then please reply me Smile
Thank you

Messages In This Thread
PayPal Recurring Payments using PayPal_Lib linrary - by El Forum - 04-14-2010, 09:10 AM
PayPal Recurring Payments using PayPal_Lib linrary - by El Forum - 01-02-2013, 04:15 AM
PayPal Recurring Payments using PayPal_Lib linrary - by El Forum - 05-02-2013, 05:08 AM

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