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Automatic/Push Button site folder/vhost creation in Linux via CI/PHP

[quote author="Devon Lambert" date="1274391841"]A php version of the following would be nice!


Untested but a quick attempt at translation without much error checking.

host_dir  = '/etc/hosts'            # path to your hosts file
sites_dir = '/Library/Webserver'    # path to the directory where you keep your sites (NO TRAILING SLASH!!!)
conf_dir  = '/etc/apache2/sites'    # path to directory where named conf files live
name      = ''                        # the folder that contains the site
hostname  = ''                        # an optional local domain


$host_dir     = null;
$sites_dir    = null;
$conf_dir     = null;
$name         = null;
$hostname     = null;

$conf_contents <<< EOF
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName $hostname

  DocumentRoot "$sites_dir/$name"
    DirectoryIndex index.php
    <Directory "$sites_dir/$name">
        Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

// first things first: make sure named conf file doesn't exist already
if(file_exists("$conf_dir/$name.conf")) {
  return FALSE;

// check to make sure host file exists
if(($host_dir)) {
    if(file_put_contents($host_dir, "\$hostname") === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    if(file_put_contents($conf_dir . '/' . $name . '.conf', $conf_contents) === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;

Edit: Noticed I still had Ruby comments instead of PHP comments.

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Automatic/Push Button site folder/vhost creation in Linux via CI/PHP - by El Forum - 05-21-2010, 04:02 PM

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