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Newline problem in emails

Hi all,

I am having a problem getting my plain text email to use the new lines I have put in. Looking at the default values for the email class, it seems that the default for new lines is \n which I have tried putting in. Basically, I have my email stored in a view which is then parsed with values and sent by the email class. But it just won't display new lines.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


[eluser]Rob Gordijn[/eluser]
how do you specifty the newlines?


is different then


within double qoutes the \n is seen/parsed as a new line.

Sorted. It was a problem in the initial configuration that was forcing it to html even though I specified text.

Cheers for your help.

[eluser]Rob Gordijn[/eluser]
ahh, always the config :-)


I thought it would just override that but clearly it wasn't for some reason - whether it be a glitch or just me I don't know :-)

You can create your own email configuration file and save it in application/config


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