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Having trouble getting num rows

I'm trying to get a simple comment count for the front page to show the count next to the read more, but I'm having a bit of trouble.

The code in my controller pulling the blogposts looks like this:
function index() {
        // $this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE);
        $data['js'] = '[removed][removed]';
        $data['post'] = $this->blogmodel->get_limited($limit = 5);
        $data['body'] = 'blogview';
        $data['count'] = $this->commentmodel->get_comment_count($blog_id);
        if ($data['count'] == 1) {
            $data['comments'] = 'Comment';
        else {
            $data['comments'] = 'Comments';
        $this->load->view('includes/template', $data);

The get_comment_count function is a simple return num rows in my commentmodel:
function get_comment_count($blog_id) {
        $this->db->where('blogid', $blog_id);
        $q = $this->db->get('blogcomments');
        return $q->num_rows();

Codeigniter returns this error:

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined variable: blog_id

Filename: controllers/blog.php

Line Number: 31

The thing is, I can't think of a way to define it correctly. I've tried a few things but with undesirable results. Any help is appreciated!

(Btw, I'd like to take a moment here to comment on how amazing the codeigniter community has been with me. I ask a lot of questions and I have never gotten a rude response. People always seem eager to help and I love that! Thanks guys!)

The get_comment_count part is not te problem. The 'undefined' error is occurring in your controller. That's even before your get_comment_count method is called!
It's simple to see why:
$data['count'] = $this->commentmodel->get_comment_count($blog_id);
In this code, you use $blog_id but where does that come from?? It is not defined anywhere in the lines above!
How does the controller know which $blog_id it is looking for??

I think if you correct that, you will find that the count works fine.

Yes, I'm sorry the original post was poorly typed out.

The problem is that however I try to define $blog_id, I get an error. I'm trying to figure out an efficient way to get the blog id.

Then tell us what the url of your page looks like. The blog_id should be in there somewhere..
The site can't guess on its own which blog you mean, right Smile

Well this is the home page (it's displaying multiple truncated entries). So the best way to get individual blog id's is with something like $row->blogid, the get limited function looks like this:

function get_limited($limit) {
        $this->db->order_by("blogid", "desc");
        $q = $this->db->get('blogposts', $limit);
        return $q->result();

But if I do something like $blog_id = $data['post']->blogid, I get no result.

It feels like your mixing up a few things. Let me get it straight;
* first you want to get a few recent posts
* then you want to see how many comments each post has.

In your code, you are first getting a LIST of posts, and then acting if you got only one. $data['post'] is not ONE post, but 5! So if you wanted to get the blogid of those posts, you would have to use a foreach loop to check each of them..

But really, this is something you best do in one go: use a Mysql query with a JOIN to get the recent posts, along with their comment counts.
Something like
$this->db->select('blogposts.*, COUNT(blogcomments.id) comments', false);
$this->db->join('blogcomments', 'blogcomments.blogid = blogposts.blogid', 'left');
$this->db->order_by('blogposts.blogid', 'desc');
$result = $this->db->get()->result;
The 'comments' column in the result should contain the number of comments found for each post.
If this seems hard, check the Mysql manual on JOIN.

Sorry for the multiple posts, but to answer your question about the url, it contains no segment information since it is the index page. I can't get the blog id that way in this specific instance. But I know there's a way to do this, it's barely eluding me

EDIT: oh okay I'll give that a shot.

I'm not sure I understand how that query is counting the comments per each different blog. Was that supposed to be a standalone solution or..? I'm not sure I understood correctly but now I'm only getting 1 blog post and showing an incorrect comment count:

This is the model now:
function get_limited($limit) {
        $this->db->select('blogposts.*, COUNT(blogcomments.blogid) comments', false);
        $this->db->join('blogcomments', 'blogcomments.blogid = blogposts.blogid', 'left');
        $this->db->order_by('blogposts.blogid', 'desc');
        $result = $this->db->get()->result();
        return $result;

And the controller:
function index() {
        $data['post'] = $this->blogmodel->get_limited($limit = 5);
        $data['body'] = 'blogview';

        $this->load->view('includes/template', $data);

I'm sorry. I was typing a bit quickly.
A few corrections:
// don't count blogid, because that's always going to be 1. it's the id's of the comments we need to count
// so replace the "select" line:
$this->db->select('blogposts.*, COUNT(blogcomments.id) comments', false);

// group the result by blogpost, otherwise we still always get a number of 0 or 1
// so add a "group_by" line:

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