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CI RSS Helper

[eluser]Michael Geeh[/eluser]
Hey guys,

After searching around for a while on the forum for a simple way to generate RSS feeds, I have come up with this adaptation of this post.


class Rss extends Controller

    function Rss()
    function index()
        $feed =& new ContentFeeder_RSS2;

        $feed->addNamespace('dc', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/');
        $feed->setElement('title', 'FOOBAR CONTENT FEED');
        $feed->setElement('link', 'http://www.foobar.com/');
        $feed->setElement('description', 'my development site');
        $feed->setElement('dc:author', 'by Joe Bloe');
        $feed->setElementAttr('enclosure', 'url', 'http://www.foobar.com/');
        $feed->setElementAttr('enclosure', 'length', '1234');
        $feed->setElementAttr('enclosure', 'type', 'audio/mpeg');
        $image =& new ContentFeederImage;
        $image->setElement('url', 'http://www.foobar.com/logo.gif');
        $image->setElement('title', 'Our Logo');
        $image->setElement('link', 'http://www.foobar.com/');
        $this->db->select('id, headline, snippet, dateadded');
        $this->db->orderby('dateadded', 'desc');
        $query = $this->db->get('news');
        foreach($query->result() as $entry):
        $item =& new ContentFeederItem;
        $item->setElement('title', $entry->headline);
        $item->setElement('link', 'Item link');
        $item->setElement('description', $entry->snippet);
        // ensure description does not conflict with XML
        $item->setElementEscapeType('description', 'cdata');    
        $item->setElement('author', 'Item author');
        $item->setElement('category', 'Item category');
        $item->setElement('comments', 'Item comments');


And attached is the content feeder class.

Feel free to use it.

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