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Image library

I have made this image library to post process and uploaded image, setting for it a new
name, and the size I want for it ( max with/ max height )

* images class
* @package default
* @author fabian.mesaglio
* @description: this library helps you to work with images
* adjusting size and quality, adding a prefix if needed to
* setup thumbnails

class Images
    private $image;
    private $width;
    private $height;
    private $path;
    private $complete_name;
    private $complete_name_pre;    
    private $prefix;
    private $nn;
    function __construct()
     * process_image function
     * @return void
     * @author fabian.mesaglio
         * @param $name //full image name
         * @param $path //the path where the image will be saved
         * @param $h //image conversion height
         * @param $w //image conversion width
         * @param $name //name for the new image
         * @param $exten //extension of the  image
    function process_image($name,$path, $h, $w, $t,$nn,$exten)
            $new_image = $this->path.$this->nn;
            $new_image_pre = $this->path.$t.$this->nn;
            $new_image = $this->path.$this->imagen;
            $new_image_pre = $this->path.$t.$this->imagen;
        $width_ratio  = ($size[0] / $this->width);
        $height_ratio = ($size[1] / $this->height);
        if($width_ratio >=$height_ratio) {
           $ratio = $width_ratio;
           $ratio = $height_ratio;
        $new_width    = ($size[0] / $ratio);
        if ($new_width>$size[0])
        $new_height   = ($size[1] / $ratio);
        if ($new_height>$size[1])
        $exten = strtolower($exten);
            $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->complete_name);
            $thumba = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width,$new_height);
            ImageCopyResampled($thumba, $src_img, 0,0,0,0,($new_width+1),($new_height+1),$size[0],$size[1]);
            chmod ($this->complete_name,0644);
        }else if($exten=='.gif'){
            $src_img = imagecreatefromgif($this->complete_name);
            $thumba = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width,$new_height);
            ImageCopyResampled($thumba, $src_img, 0,0,0,0,($new_width+1),($new_height+1),$size[0],$size[1]);
            chmod ($this->complete_name,0644);
        }else if($exten=='.png'){
            $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($this->complete_name);
            $thumba = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width,$new_height);
            ImageCopyResampled($thumba, $src_img, 0,0,0,0,($new_width+1),($new_height+1),$size[0],$size[1]);
            chmod ($this->complete_name,0644);
    function delete_original(){
// END class


An example of how to use it, lets say in a multiupload function:

foreach($_FILES['userfile']['name'] as $imagenn){
    $imagenn =         str_replace(' ', '_',$imagenn);
        $cont    +=     1;
        $now    =        strtotime("now");
        $exten    =        strstr($imagenn, ".");
        $nomm     =         str_replace($exten, '',$imagenn);
        $nomm     =         str_replace(' ', '_',$imagenn);
        $name   =        md5($nomm.'_'.$now.$cont).$exten;
        $imagen    =         new imagenes();
        $imagen->process_image($imagenn,'./images/',480,640,'',$name,$exten);//normal image
        $imagen->process_image($imagenn,'./images/',60,60,'t_',$name,$exten);//t_ prefix added to the thumbnail name
        $imge     =         'images/'.$nombre;
        $thum     =         'images/t_'.$nombre;

I hope you like it, polish it and tell me what you think about it


What does this offer that the codeigniter image manipulation library doesn't?

In my case integrate with a multiupload plugin I had to use for a client site, for some reason the image manipulation library brokes with it, so I made this one to get this working on an ajax multiupload function like google attachment.

Plus I like the simple config


That´s all you need. I hope this answer your question. and thanks for commenting

Can this library accept any image dimension and resize/crop to exact dimension thrown at it with out the image looking distorted etc?

This library is mainly for resize, it has no crop methods,
but the resize works like a charm


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