GET Method, Query string with Clean url |
Hi there, I have a litle problem and i hope that someone will help me : Suppose we have a function taht can filter data with 2 parameter .. I want to send some value to this function with the get method .. so i have : Code: <form method="get" action="<?php echo base_url() . 'mycontroller/myfunction/filter_by/'?>"> When i submit, the url become : Code: So my question is how can i get this : Code: I did some search but not enougth to undertund how to.. THanks in advance!!
During on click of the submit button the default link will be generated above like Code: ( But you may route the link Code: Code: Make a controller that will receives the get request then route it to the destination controller with rewritten URL getcontroller.php Code: //code somewhat like this
Will "$this->input->get" work there? Isn't the whole problem that querystrings don't work in CodeIgniter? As outlined in this thread: A very small bit of code will enable you to process a querystring as usual. Then you don't have to go through the idiocy of converting a proper querystring into URI parts. Code: class MY_Input extends CI_Input
[quote author="CI_avatar" date="1283321068"]During on click of the submit button the default link will be generated above like Code: ( But you may route the link Code: Code: Make a controller that will receives the get request then route it to the destination controller with rewritten URL getcontroller.php Code: //code somewhat like this Thanks to both of u.. So, i will stick with your suggestion .. |
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