Hello guys, I am having a different problem this time. I downloaded ION AUTH files and copied the config, library, language and model to my application. But i havent loaded any of these to my controllers. They are just laying there.
But now, everytime I try to access any controller I get a blank screen with the 500 Internal Server Error on the Firebug debug tool.
I tried to find the source of the error, putting some echoes, to see how far the application goes. I found out that the error happens on the line:
I user var_dump on the include path and got the correct path to the controller. I tried to remove everything from the controller and left only:
class Validation extends Controller {
And the include worked fine, now what I got was a message from CI saying 404 Page Not Found.
Any ideas what might be wrong with my controller? I am attaching it here.
I tried remove each function to see what I get, and still blank pages...
I am running out of ideas here... =/