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iframe iside a view

Hello all

I'm new to codeigniter I want to use an iframe inside a view but so far I get call to undefined function

I read a bit and I know it is not recommended to use I frame but for my app this is the best presentation as I need to have multiple pages using the jqueryui accordion object..

can any body help

so far I'm trying to use the iframe just like another view not controller..

thanks for your help.

undefined function form_open means you are not loading the form helper

I'm sure that is not the problem if I call the view from the controller it work fine for my first page.

now what I have it's a view that load a few iframe but so far I cannot use the form_open inside that iframe..

if I load the iframe without the php form_open('name') it all work fine it appear that the base url change when I go in the iframe as I need to pass the full server url for it to work.

can anybody point what I'm doing wrong...

is it possible to load a view from another view not from the controller?

so is there another error you are getting?
because as i previously indicated, if you are getting an error saying undefined function form_open then the issues is definitely that you are not loading the form helper when the view is being loaded in the iframe

can I load inside of my view an iframe or another view like so <? this->load-view->('my_iframe') ?>

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