Multiple Applications |
Hey, I'm trying to make multiple applications on one install of CodeIgniter. I've made it so my directory is like this: Code: system and I've changed the application path in myfirstapp.php and mysecondapp.php. The problem I'm having is the url is now ../ci/myfirstapp.php/controller_name. When I would like it to be ../ci/myfirstapp/controller_name. Can anyone help me out with this please?
take the system folder and put it in the www directory www/system you can name the system folder whatever you want then take the application folder and also name it whatever you want and also put it in the www directory wamp/www/system wamp/www/application then all you have to do is in the main application index change this Code: $system_folder = "../system folder"; in my case Code: $system_folder = "../system"; Hope it help
You would need to use a .htaccess file to rewrite url's. You will just need to make sure there would be no name collisions between subfolders and controller names. How about: Code: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f Haven't tried this yet though.
Just tried this on a subfolder that I have the same setup on. Code: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f You will need to edit your application/config.php to match the urls properly. I am using a the same site assets (css/js/images) that are in the same level as index.php. So I need each app to generate links like http://site/ci/myfirstapp/controller and have css links generated like http://site/ci/(asset url). In application/myfirstapp/config/config.php Code: $config['base_url'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/ci/"; Just change index_page accordingly for each app.
Thanks. I've changed my .htaccess to: Code: RewriteEngine on and I've changed my config.php. However when I go to I get "404 Page Not Found. The page you requested was not found." but still works. What am I doing wrong?
Try and capitalize the word on in the first line you may also need to add RewriteBase /ci/ as your second line.
Alright, I've tried everything on this thread, however, I did still get a 404 error. Assuming my file structure is Code: system And in order to access myfirstapp And mysecondapp What exactly do I add in the .htaccess in order to hide the .php extensions so = And =
@Greffer Is you application folder actually applications or is that a typo? It should be application unless you have changed this in your index.php. Do the URL's work when you use .php? Two other things to check. 1. Is mod_rewrite/.htaccess enabled or allowed for your server? Can you rewrite other urls? Try writing something explicit. 2. Try changing the last line of the RewriteRule to include a question mark as some server environments need it. Code: RewriteEngine on
I re-named the folder to "applications" Also, I believe .htaccess is allowed as it does affect my URLs, I can see them And I tried adding the lines of code into my .htaccess, but to no avail.
Messed around for this for a quite awhile. Here's the cleanest solution. Create subdirectories in your root folder for each application /system /myfirstapp /mysecondapp index.php Next copy the application folder into each of the subfolders in root along with a copy of a index.php file. Folder structure is now. /system /myfirstapp /application index.php /mysecondapp /application index.php index.php Copy into each myapp subfolder a .htaccess file with contents Code: RewriteEngine On File structure now is /system /myfirstapp /application index.php .htaccess /mysecondapp /application index.php .htaccess index.php Then you need to open each index.php file in each of your apps folders and change the system folder. Code: $system_path = '../system'; This tells the application to look up into the root folder for CI. The only other tidbit is to add a .htaccess rule in your root folder to redirect a request without any uri segments (ie => The problem with trying to use clean URLs by removing .php, the URI class is passing the wrong segments to the Router class. If you extend the URI class to change the offset of the URI, then the Router class can't find the controllers properly. |
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