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Issue with including a file in codeigniter folder from root

Hey everyone,
I just started working with CodeIgniter today and the biggest reason I chose it was because of the community.. Ok, I apologize if its a newb question but I'm relatively new to PHP and brand spanking new to CodeIgniter so this is what I have..

In the root directory of my website I have my index.php file, and in the file I'm trying to call a controller that is in the ci/application/controllers folder on my root.

If I just put the whole "sitename.com/ci/index.php/site/myFunction" in the URL bar, I'm getting what I'm looking to see, but when I try to include in my index.php (my homepage) I
'm getting a "include(blah blah):failed to open stream: Not a directory in /home/user/public_html/index.php" error.

My include is set as: include("ci/index.php/site/");

Is there a way to get this to display?


Messages In This Thread
Issue with including a file in codeigniter folder from root - by El Forum - 03-19-2011, 10:19 AM

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