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Dots in url segment causing weird behaivor

If I add a dot
in my url at the end of a segment, eg:
I'm taken to my default controller and for some reason my style sheet isn't being used. Does anyone know how to disallow this or the cause?

I believe what is happening is that your server is using ./index.php as a 403.
Adding "..." to the URI will result in one of two things happening.

1) The browser will try to change the folder handle and go up one or two directories
2) In the case of Apache Web Server "(20024)The given path is misformatted or contained invalid characters"

I would not recommend placing dots in the URI unless it is for the url suffix and then only one dot is required.

Thanks for the explanation! I'm not generating URL's with the dot but was concerned that a visitor might do it to somehow circumvent security. I am paranoid.

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