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Passing data from dropdown to array


I am trying to pass a selected value from dropdown to array but I always get a value 0 even it should be char.

I have a dropdown in view:

<?php echo form_dropdown('categories', $options, 'first_cat');  ?>

Then in controller I am trying to get selected value from this dropdown and pass into:

function add_values()
                    $data = array(

Then I have of course a code in model for inserting data into db. But it does not work. Am I doing something wrong?

[eluser]Pedro Luz[/eluser]




Ah sorry I of course have it like that. I just copied that here wrong. So what may be the real problem?

Can we see your model code too? Maybe the error can be found there.
An other option would be that there is a problem with your $options
array building the select/dropdown. Did you check the parsed sourcecode
in your browser to get sure that you have the values set up right?

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