URI segment is not working while "query strings" is working |
[eluser]Subekti Pranoto[/eluser]
File "<webroot>\system\application\config\config.php" like this: ============================================================================== $config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE; $config['controller_trigger'] = 'c'; $config['function_trigger'] = 'm'; ============================================================================== File “/<webroot>/system/application/controllers/welcome.php” like this: ============================================================================== <?php class Welcome extends Controller { function Welcome() { parent::Controller(); } function index() { $this->load->view('welcome_message'); } function Test() { echo "CI is great"; } } ?> ============================================================================== when i point my browser to “http://localhost/index.php/welcome/test”, i get message “The page cannot be found”. when i point my browser to "http://localhost/index.php?c=welocme&m=test", i get the message "CI is great". Does anyone have any thoughts on what could be causing this?
I have posted something to try in this other thread http://ellislab.com/forums/viewreply/331415/ Your problem is that you have enable_query_string turned on, and in that case I do not think it will accept the url in the format of http://localhost/index.php/welcome/test, only http://localhost/index.php?c=welocme&m=test
[eluser]Subekti Pranoto[/eluser]
When i do your suggest... File “<webroot>\system\application\config\config.php” like this: ============================================================================== $config[’enable_query_strings’] = FALSE; ============================================================================== when i point my browser to “http://localhost/index.php?c=welocme&m=test”, i get the message “The URI you submitted has disallowed characters”. Does anyone have any thoughts on what could be causing this?
ok i am confused are you trying to get the url to be http://localhost/index.php/welcome/test or http://localhost/index.php?c=welocme&m=test I do not think it can allow both If you want http://localhost/index.php/welcome/test Code: $config[’enable_query_strings’] = FALSE; if you want http://localhost/index.php?c=welocme&m=test Code: $config[’enable_query_strings’] = TRUE;
[eluser]Subekti Pranoto[/eluser]
When i do your suggest… File “<webroot>\system\application\config\config.php” like this: ============================================================================== $config[’enable_query_strings’] = FALSE; ============================================================================== when i point my browser to “http://localhost/index.php/welcome/test”, i get message “The page cannot be found”. when i point my browser to “http://localhost/index.php?c=welocme&m=test”, i get the message “The URI you submitted has disallowed characters”. i use ms4w (map server for windows) 2.2.3 bundle, apache 2.2.4, php 5.2.1 Does anyone have any thoughts on what could be causing this?
have you tried the other options from the other post? So try each of the following options. Code: $config['uri_protocol'] = "PATH_INFO"; Code: $config['uri_protocol'] = "QUERY_STRING"; Code: $config['uri_protocol'] = "REQUEST_URI"; Code: $config['uri_protocol'] = "ORIG_PATH_INFO"
[eluser]Subekti Pranoto[/eluser]
When i do your suggest… File “<webroot>\system\application\config\config.php” like this: ============================================================================== $config[’enable_query_strings’] = FALSE; ============================================================================== with ============================================================================== $config['uri_protocol'] = "PATH_INFO"; or $config['uri_protocol'] = "QUERY_STRING"; or $config['uri_protocol'] = "REQUEST_URI"; or $config['uri_protocol'] = "ORIG_PATH_INFO" ============================================================================== when i point my browser to “http://localhost/index.php/welcome/test”, i get message “The page cannot be found”. when i point my browser to “http://localhost/index.php?c=welocme&m=test”, i get the message “The URI you submitted has disallowed characters”. i use ms4w (map server for windows) 2.2.3 bundle, apache 2.2.4, php 5.2.1. it seem that MS4W PHP5 Base Installer v2.2.6 (Sept 18, 2007) is available. (http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml...loads.html) Does anyone have any thoughts on what could be causing this?
[eluser]Subekti Pranoto[/eluser]
Hi tonanbarbarian, i do upgrade from ms4w 2.2.3 to ms4w 2.2.6. my problem has solved. File “<webroot>\system\application\config\config.php” like this: ============================================================================== $config[’enable_query_strings’] = TRUE; $config[’controller_trigger’] = ‘c’; $config[’function_trigger’] = ‘m’; ============================================================================== File “/<webroot>/system/application/controllers/welcome.php” like this: ============================================================================== <?php class Welcome extends Controller { function Welcome() { parent::Controller(); } function index() { $this->load->view('welcome_message'); } function Test() { echo "CI is really great"; } } ?> ============================================================================== when i point my browser to “http://localhost/index.php/welcome/test”, i get message “CI is really great”. when i point my browser to “http://localhost/index.php?c=welocme&m=test”, i get the message “CI is really great”.
If both method can't be supported how can i access a page having some required and option params? Typically I would put the requided param in the "path" segment and the optional params in the query string part. Something like www.xyz.com/controller/action/req_param1/req_param2?opt_param_name1=opt_param_value1&opt_param_name2=opt_param_value2 Since they are optional params, it's not really possible to have a fix order if we put them in the path. For example in www.xyz.com/controller/action/req_param1/req_param2/opt_param the last segment could be either opt_param_value1 or opt_param_value2. What would be the way to solve optional params. I do want to use the path style URI. Thanks much |
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