html page instead of the view |
ok , so i kind of solved my problems but i have a last one ,a big one :
my file structure is /public_html/ /assets/ /css/.... /otherfolders/ /system/ /application/ ...CI folders... .htaccess index.php somepage.html if i go to everything works il,it takes me to the index function of home controller who gives me the home.php view but if i go to or it does not take me to the functions of home controller ,instead it shows me the somepage.html page and i do not understand why i created a test controller and make it to some echo or var dump testing ,even make his index function to return an existing view but with no luck ,i get url not found what is the problem ,where could be ? if i change some .htaccess rules i make home controller methods to work but test controller still does not work and breaks other links too
file structure is like this and i am using CI 1.7.3
Code: /public_html/
If it can help, here is my htaccess file in local : Code: Options -Indexes Unfortunately, my first hoster ran a different version of Apache than my local version, so I had to make some updates of htaccess to make the website working. Here is the code : Code: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
this is the .htaccess
Code: # =============================================================
i tweaked the .htaccess file and now i get : The requested URL /home.html/index was not found on this server.
Sorry but I'm lost here... I don't think I can help you more about it, I'm afraid my knowledge of htaccess is too poor !
do not add the ending / on the method
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
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