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jqgrid with codeigneter

hi i have a problem of inmlepement jqgrid
my model
class ClientModel extends CI_Model{
       function getAllData($start,$limit,$sidx,$sord,$where){

    if($where != NULL)
    $query = $this->db->get('client',$limit,$start);

    return $query->result();
my controller
class Home extends CI_Controller {

    function __construct()

public function index()

function jqGrid(){

function loadData(){
    $page = isset($_POST['page'])?$_POST['page']:1;
    $limit = isset($_POST['rows'])?$_POST['rows']:10;
    $sidx = isset($_POST['sidx'])?$_POST['sidx']:'clientId';
    $sord = isset($_POST['sord'])?$_POST['sord']:'';        
    $start = $limit*$page - $limit;
    $start = ($start<0)?0:$start;

    $where = "";
    $searchField = isset($_POST['searchField']) ? $_POST['searchField'] : false;
    $searchOper = isset($_POST['searchOper']) ? $_POST['searchOper']: false;
    $searchString = isset($_POST['searchString']) ? $_POST['searchString'] : false;

    if ($_POST['_search'] == 'true') {
        $ops = array(
        'bn'=>'NOT LIKE',
        'ni'=>'NOT LIKE',
        'en'=>'NOT LIKE',
        'nc'=>'NOT LIKE'
        foreach ($ops as $key=>$value){
            if ($searchOper==$key) {
                $ops = $value;
        if($searchOper == 'eq' ) $searchString = $searchString;
        if($searchOper == 'bw' || $searchOper == 'bn') $searchString .= '%';
        if($searchOper == 'ew' || $searchOper == 'en' ) $searchString = '%'.$searchString;
        if($searchOper == 'cn' || $searchOper == 'nc' || $searchOper == 'in' || $searchOper == 'ni') $searchString = '%'.$searchString.'%';

        $where = "$searchField $ops '$searchString' ";

        $sidx =1;
    $count = $this->db->count_all_results('client');
    if( $count > 0 ) {
        $total_pages = ceil($count/$limit);    
    } else {
        $total_pages = 0;

    if ($page > $total_pages)
    $query = $this->clientModel->getAllData($start,$limit,$sidx,$sord,$where);
    $responce->page = $page;
    $responce->total = $total_pages;
    $responce->records = $count;
    foreach($query as $row) {

         echo  json_encode($responce);

my view
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

    &lt;title&gt;Demonstration how programatically select grid row which are not on the first page&lt;/title&gt;
    &lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /&gt;

   &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css" /&gt;
    &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/src/css/ui.jqgrid.css" /&gt;
        &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/src/css/jquery.searchFilter.css" /&gt;

    &lt;title&gt;Codeigniter With JQGrid&lt;/title&gt;


        $(document).ready(function (){
  // url:'http://localhost/pfe/home/loadData',      //another controller function for generating data
//another controller function for generating data
                mtype : "post",             //Ajax request type. It also could be GET
                datatype: "json",            //supported formats XML, JSON or Arrray
                colNames:['Name','Email','Passport','Phone','Fax','Address'],       //Grid column headings
                    {name:'nomC',index:'nomC', width:100, align:"left"},
                    {name:'emailC',index:'emailC', width:150, align:"left"},
                    {name:'passwordC',index:'passwordC', width:100, align:"right"},
                    {name:'prenomC',index:'prenomC', width:100, align:"right"},
                    {name:'favorisCl',index:'favorisCl', width:100, align:"right"},
                    {name:'favorisPh',index:'favorisPh', width:100, align:"right"},
                width: 750,
                height: 300,
                pager: '#pager',
                sortname: 'id',

                viewrecords: true,
                rownumbers: true,
                gridview: true,
                caption:"List Of Person"



        <h1>Codeigniter With JQGrid</h1>
        $ci =& get_instance();
        $base_url = base_url();
    <table id="list">
    </table>&lt;!--Grid table--&gt;
    <div id="pager"></div>  &lt;!--pagination div--&gt;

result is
Message: Undefined index: _search
and dat {"page":1,"total":2,"records":11,"rows":[{"id":"1","cell":["jouhri","jouhrimoham","mohamed","mohamed","1","2"]

Your accessing _search in your post data but it is not defined anywhere's in your code!

I try to utliser jqgrid to present data in a table (grid)
I try to do it but it displays the data without grid
the model view controller and I have already published
here is the result


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

hello everyone, finally I found the solution to integrate into jqgrid codeignter
here is my solution:

this is my Model :
class ClientModel extends CI_Model{
   private $table= 'client';

function __construct(){

function count_all()
  $query = $this->db->get();
  $data = $query->num_rows();
  return $data;

  function get_data($sidx, $sord, $limit, $start){

                      $Q = $this-> db-> get();
         $data=$Q-> result();
         return $data ;




this is my Controller :
class Home extends CI_Controller {

    function __construct()

      function index()


function grid(){
        $page = isset($_POST['page'])?$_POST['page']:1;
        $limit = isset($_POST['rows'])?$_POST['rows']:10;
        $sidx = isset($_POST['sidx'])?$_POST['sidx']:'id';
        $sord = isset($_POST['sord'])?$_POST['sord']:'desc';        

        $start = $limit*$page - $limit;
$data->page =$page;
$count = $this->clientModel->count_all ();
        $data->total = ceil ($count /10 );
        $requette = $this-> clientModel-> get_data ($sidx, $sord, $limit, $start);
    foreach($requette as $row) {

       echo json_encode ($data );



this my View :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

    &lt;title&gt;Demonstration how programatically select grid row which are not on the first page&lt;/title&gt;
    &lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /&gt;
   &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/pfe/design/js/jqgrid_demo38/themes/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css" /&gt;

    &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/pfe/design/js/jqgrid_demo38/js/src/css/ui.jqgrid.css" /&gt;



<table id="list12">

         <div id="pager12"></div>



        jQuery(document).ready(function () {



datatype: "json",

    colNames:[' No','nomC', 'prenomC', 'emailC','Tax','Total','Notes'],


     {name:'id',index:'id', width:55},

     {name:'nomC',index:'nomC', width:90},

     {name:'prenomC',index:'prenomC', width:100 },

     {name:'emailC',index:'emailC', width:80, align:"right"},

     {name:'passwordC',index:'passwordC', width:80, align:"right"},  

     {name:'favorisCl',index:'favorisCl', width:80,align:"right"},  

     {name:'favorisPh',index:'favorisPh', width:150, sortable:true}  




    pager: '#pager12',

    sortname: 'id',

    viewrecords: false,

    sortorder: "desc",

multiselect: false,

width: 500,

height: "100%",

caption: "dridi jouhri",
  gridview: true,
            loadonce: true,
         viewrecords: true,







Good Luck Wink

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