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An Error Was Encountered Unable to load the requested file: home.php

Hi All,

For the most part my web app works fine. However sometimes when I log in, I occasionally get the following error:

An Error Was Encountered Unable to load the requested file: home.php

Why is this happening?


function login(){
   if(isset($_POST['username'])){ // logging in
     $this->data['errors']=genErrorsOutput($login_res['errors']); // generete errors list
     $this->data=array_merge($this->data,$_POST); // show the filled form data    
    }else{ // success
     header('Location: '.$this->data['base_url'].'index.php');
//  $this->load->view('login',$this->data);  

Here is my controller code.

Just noticed that this happens if a user tries to log in at the same time. Not entirely sure what is going on here.

redirect('/', 'refresh');
// instead of
header('Location: '.$this->data['base_url'].'index.php');

Hi thanks,

I think the problem is with this segment of code:


After the user logs in, it crashes if they try to log in twice with the same browser session. Although I am not exactly sure what the issue is.

See if this will work:
redirect(site_url(), 'refresh');

If it is crashing when the user trys to login twice, you should being
checking to see if user_id is already logged in.

Use CodeIgniters Form_validation class and set the rules on the user name to a callback
to see if the user name matches.

Check your session user_id and see if it matches your database record before trying to
log them in again.

Here is where your problem is:
if(isset($_POST['username'])){ // logging in
// if they are already logged in you do not want to do this!

[quote author="InsiteFX" date="1336685049"]See if this will work:
redirect(site_url(), 'refresh');

If it is crashing when the user trys to login twice, you should being
checking to see if user_id is already logged in.

Use CodeIgniters Form_validation class and set the rules on the user name to a callback
to see if the user name matches.

Check your session user_id and see if it matches your database record before trying to
log them in again.

Hi I am not storing session Ids within the database, rather I am creating them on the fly. As soon as the user logs in first time.

Here is where your problem is:
if(isset($_POST['username'])){ // logging in
// if they are already logged in you do not want to do this!

Is there anyway thru php I can check if the session has already been created, I uses $_SESSION variable to check but it was empty.

Doing this too:

echo $this->session->userdata('user');


Show your code were you are setting the users details and session!

Hey man, sure, in function login - before that is just general validation check, to see if the user exists etc etc:

     $this->db->select(castedColumns($this->contacts_table, $this->db));
     $q = $this->db->get_where($this->contacts_table, array('Id' => $res['Id']));
     $res_contacts = $q->row_array();
     $this->session->set_userdata(array('Parent_Id' => $ContactId,
                    'StaffMember_Id' => $staffId,
                    'Portal' => "1"));
            } else {


   return array('success'=>true,'errors'=>false);
   return array('success'=>false,'errors'=>$errors);

Which corresponds to this segment of code within the controller.

// if they are already logged in you do not want to do this!

Shouldn't it overwrite the session?

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