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Counting a values in a column

Hello, I have this piece of code that I need to modify to instead of counting the number of matching rows, sum up the values in the columns of the matching rows and output that value whilst also outputting the unique rows to build a table of unique rows with the totals.

So if I have a db table containing:

NAME | Amount
balls | 10
cups | 5
balls | 2
balls | 1
cups | 2

I want to build a table (using CI table) containing two rows and two columns

NAME | Amount
balls | 13
cups | 7

//grab rows for peripherals
        $this->db->select('make')->select('model, COUNT(id) AS total')->group_by('model')
                    ->where('item_type =', "per")
                    ->where('action_type', "checkin")
                    ->or_where('action_type', "stockin");
        $stockrows = $this->db->get('items')->result_array();

        foreach ($stockrows as $count => $stockrow)
            $stockrows[$count]['model'] = $stockrow['model'];
        $data['stockrecords_per'] = $stockrows;

of course the code does not match the example, it was just easier explaining using cups and balls.


Messages In This Thread
Counting a values in a column - by El Forum - 05-13-2012, 10:23 AM
Counting a values in a column - by El Forum - 05-14-2012, 02:50 AM
Counting a values in a column - by El Forum - 05-14-2012, 03:19 AM

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