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Accessing property from image library class within a view

I'm trying to access a property from the image library class within a view and for some reason it's cleared. Why doesn't it have the same value as it did in the controller?

When you load a view from a controller doesn't it add the attach the super object to $this so you can use whatever you were using in the controller in the view?

Can someone clarify this for me, I would like to know what exactly do I have access to from the view?

what are you trying to get?


In the controller the array is populated, and in the view, it's an empty array()

it not sure it is for public consumption but you can catch it in your controller and add it to the view file data agrument. i had it happen with the validation error string, it's not good debugging but it works Smile

true, that does work but i was wondering if someone could explain to me why this doesn't work in technical terms.

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