Please tell me if this installation procedure is right: 1-I uploaded the dir CodeIgniter_2.1.0 to root/home moving index.php to root level 2-I edited config,php this way: |————————————————————————————————————— | Base Site URL |————————————————————————————————————— | | URL to your CodeIgniter root. Typically this will be your base URL, | WITH a trailing slash: | | | | If this is not set then CodeIgniter will guess the protocol, domain and | path to your installation. | */ $config[‘base_url’] = ‘/root/home’; /* |————————————————————————————————————— | Index File |————————————————————————————————————— | | Typically this will be your index.php file, unless you’ve renamed it to | something else. If you are using mod_rewrite to remove the page set this | variable so that it is blank. | */ $config[‘index_page’] = ‘/root/index.php’; /* |————————————————————————————————————— 3- I edited index,php moving it to root level this way: *———————————————————————————————- * APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT *———————————————————————————————- * * You can load different configurations depending on your * current environment. Setting the environment also influences * things like logging and error reporting. * * This can be set to anything, but default usage is: * * development * testing * production * * NOTE: If you change these, also change the error_reporting() code below * */ define(‘PRODUCTION’, ‘development’); /* *———————————————————————————————- * ERROR REPORTING *———————————————————————————————- * * Different environments will require different levels of error reporting. * By default development will show errors but testing and live will hide them. */ if (defined(‘PRODUCTION’)) { switch (ENVIRONMENT) { case ‘development’: error_reporting(E_ALL); break; case ‘testing’: case ‘production’: error_reporting(0); break; default: exit(‘The application environment is not set correctly.’); } } /* *———————————————————————————————- * SYSTEM FOLDER NAME *———————————————————————————————- * * This variable must contain the name of your “system” folder. * Include the path if the folder is not in the same directory * as this file. * */ $system_path = ‘/root/home/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/system’; /* *———————————————————————————————- * APPLICATION FOLDER NAME *———————————————————————————————- * * If you want this front controller to use a different “application” * folder then the default one you can set its name here. The folder * can also be renamed or relocated anywhere on your server. If * you do, use a full server path. For more info please see the user guide: * * * NO TRAILING SLASH! * */ $application_folder = ‘/root/home/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/application’; NOTES FROM OP Maybe it should be just $system_path = 'system'; and $system_path = 'system'; since I never moved them from root/home You can refer to this other procedures too
Could you depict mistakes or explain more clearly please?
In the futrue do not post like 5 post with the samething they will be flagged as spam! Also when posting code use the code tags they are listed at the top of all FAST REPLY and POST REPLY! Code: // leave it blank and ci will try to figure it out for you! Your CodeIgniter directory structure should be like this: Code: application I suggest that you sit down and take the time to read the CodeIgniter Users Guide...
Thank you hon can you please rip the whole code I posted and replace it with the right details if you can because you are only sending stuff relating config.php,and I read man. What about this? *———————————————————————————————- * APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT *———————————————————————————————- * * You can load different configurations depending on your * current environment. Setting the environment also influences * things like logging and error reporting. * * This can be set to anything, but default usage is: * * development * testing * production * * NOTE: If you change these, also change the error_reporting() code below * */ define(‘PRODUCTION’, ‘development’); /* *———————————————————————————————- * ERROR REPORTING *———————————————————————————————- * * Different environments will require different levels of error reporting. * By default development will show errors but testing and live will hide them. */ if (defined(‘PRODUCTION’)) { switch (ENVIRONMENT) { case ‘development’: error_reporting(E_ALL); break; case ‘testing’: case ‘production’: error_reporting(0); break; default: exit(‘The application environment is not set correctly.’); } } /* And what about this? ———————————————————————————————- * SYSTEM FOLDER NAME *———————————————————————————————- * * This variable must contain the name of your “system” folder. * Include the path if the folder is not in the same directory * as this file. * */ $system_path = ‘/root/home/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/system’; /* *———————————————————————————————- * APPLICATION FOLDER NAME *———————————————————————————————- * * If you want this front controller to use a different “application” * folder then the default one you can set its name here. The folder * can also be renamed or relocated anywhere on your server. If * you do, use a full server path. For more info please see the user guide: * * * NO TRAILING SLASH! * */ $application_folder = ‘/root/home/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/application’; NOTES FROM OP Maybe it should be just $system_path = ‘system’; and $system_path = ‘system’; since I never moved them from root/home Also Im not posting the same thing ,if you read carefully is really diferent proccedures but the fact Im new to ci,but every thread is difrent with diferent approaches,however thank you
[quote author="InsiteFX" date="1337927509"] I suggest that you sit down and take the time to read the CodeIgniter Users Guide... [/quote]sit where or what mister?
your machine is linux right? do you know where's your public root? could you make simple index.php and open it your self? if not .. ask your friend to do it with you and keep see his step when do this .. ![]()
Do you even know PHP in the first place? You're doing everything wrong... I don't really think this is for you.
Aken I think youre wrong in the sense Im totally new to ci,that dont mean I wont accomplish and yes I know php and have made various successfull projects on it,but ci is something diferent and I much rather prefer people with attitudes like urself to stay away just like insitefx,if anybody got good attitude is welcome if not they are not needed. Im rediscoverin ci and found out I dont have to install nothing since my script is already built on top of it,sure no need to put nothing on config.php because howeverly my server finds my index.php and I base myself on some testing,just like the url that is also supposed to be put here is auto findable just like neo vagina's are auto cleanable.This is something that led me to think theres not much to do since also on index.php the system folder and application was assigned by default and tested too of ci acurracy,so Im wondering what is wrong since theres not much left to configure but this /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * DEFAULT CONTROLLER * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Normally you will set your default controller in the routes.php file. * You can, however, force a custom routing by hard-coding a * specific controller class/function here. For most applications, you * WILL NOT set your routing here, but it's an option for those * special instances where you might want to override the standard * routing in a specific front controller that shares a common CI installation. * * IMPORTANT: If you set the routing here, NO OTHER controller will be * callable. In essence, this preference limits your application to ONE * specific controller. Leave the function name blank if you need * to call functions dynamically via the URI. * * Un-comment the $routing array below to use this feature * */ // The directory name, relative to the "controllers" folder. Leave blank // if your controller is not in a sub-folder within the "controllers" folder $routing['directory'] = 'abccontrollers'; // The controller class file name. Example: Mycontroller $routing['controller'] = ''; // The controller function you wish to be called. $routing['function'] = 'Buyer'; /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * CUSTOM CONFIG VALUES * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The $assign_to_config array below will be passed dynamically to the * config class when initialized. This allows you to set custom config * items or override any default config values found in the config.php file. * This can be handy as it permits you to share one application between * multiple front controller files, with each file containing different * config values. * * Un-comment the $assign_to_config array below to use this feature * */ // $assign_to_config['name_of_config_item'] = 'value of config item'; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // END OF USER CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS. DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // -------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe is the missing thing so paypal dont bring this error Paypal error in snoxi, address that the money was sent to does not match the settings If anybody can tell me in which dir ci stores user payment info in relation to paypal Ill be greatfull thanks and you can post here as long you live ur attitudes aside
Gee, I have an attitude problem because I told someone they were worng in the way they were coding something and to sit down and take the time to read the CodIgniter Users Guide. Good luck on getting help! |
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