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Models not working

Now I feel really stupid.
I've created a simple database for a very basic blog application. Then I've put some data in the only table (blog_posts) I've got through the scaffolding feature. Then I built up a very basic controller with a "die" statement for testing purposes, and consequently a model which fetches data from the db and then passes them to the controller.

The thing is, controller is working as long as I don't load the model. When I do this, trying to fetch data, all I've got is a blank page. The code is very simple, and I can't understend where the error is. Here's my model:
class Blogmodel extends Model{
    function Blogmodel{
    function get_posts(){

        $query = $this->db->get('blog_posts');
        return = $query->result();


and then the controller:
class blog extends Controller{
    function Blog(){
        $this->load->model('Blogmodel', 'blog', true);
    function index(){
        $data['title'] = "Titolo del blog";
        $data['heading'] = "Primo Blog";
        $data['query'] = $this->blog->get_posts();
        die (print_r($data));

Probably there's something very stupid I can't get...

try this

[quote author="Kurai" date="1200078812"]
class Blogmodel extends Model{
    function Blogmodel{
    function get_posts(){

        $query = $this->db->get('blog_posts');
        return $query->result(); // = removed

Not working. If I remove the return statement I get the array, but without query results.
I've noticed a stupid error in my code: function Blogmodel doesn't have brackets. I fixed it, and I still get a blank page.

Have you (auto)loaded your database?

Hi - I don't think your controller is working the way you want. If you use PHP4-style constructors, the constructor needs to be named exactly like your class. You have 'class blog' but your constructor is 'function Blog'; basically, I don't think your controller is being instantiated.

BTW, PHP5-style constructors are defined as '__construct'. And generally, if you get a completely blank page, there is a PHP syntax error. Oh and I wouldn't beat yourself for these errors; after awhile i'ts hard to see errors in your code. For writers, that's why there are editors and reviewers...Wink

there have been some other posts over the last few days mentioning problems with loading models in the constructor on php4

so try the following code (exactly)

class Blogmodel extends Model {
    function Blogmodel() {
    function get_posts(){

        $query = $this->db->get('blog_posts');
        return $query->result();

    function get_all_posts() {
        $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM blog_posts');
        return $query->result();

class blog extends Controller{
    function Blog(){

    function index(){
        $this->load->model('Blogmodel', 'blog', true);
        $data['title'] = "Titolo del blog";
        $data['heading'] = "Primo Blog";
        $data['query'] = $this->blog->get_posts();
        die (print_r($data));

    function all() {
        $this->load->model('Blogmodel', 'blog', true);
        $data['title'] = "Titolo del blog";
        $data['heading'] = "Primo Blog";
        $data['query'] = $this->blog->get_all_posts();
        die (print_r($data));

The changes I have made are to change
return = $query->result();
return $query->result();
as per xwero's suggestion

and to move the load->model into the index method rather than the constructor

finally I have created a second method in the model and controller
so if the blog/index does not work try going to blog/all
If blog/all works and blog/index does not then you have not turned on active records in the database config
$db['default']['active_r'] = TRUE;

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