I am having a weird issue with CSS. |
Try leaving the base_url blank '' CodeIgniter will try to figure it out for you. You can also try this: Code: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo base_url('css/style.css'); ?>"> If the css is working in the other browsers but messing up then it is a browser problem, some browser you neeed to make adjustments on the css for it work on all. Like with IE you usally end up create a special css file just for it!
Or he doesn't have the URL helper loaded, and it threw a notice error which messed up the HTML.
True! Here is an example with chrome on the CI forums here it will take and drop down the advanced search button below the search text field!
[quote author="InsiteFX" date="1338357401"]Try leaving the base_url blank '' CodeIgniter will try to figure it out for you. You can also try this: Code: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo base_url('css/style.css'); ?>"> If the css is working in the other browsers but messing up then it is a browser problem, some browser you neeed to make adjustments on the css for it work on all. Like with IE you usally end up create a special css file just for it! [/quote] Okay, so this does not work, with my base_url typed in and left blank. I wonder why. Also, Aken, this Code: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/main/test/CI/css/style.css?<?php echo time(); ?>"> worked, it is displaying correctly across all browsers. Edit: What do you mean by URL helper loaded?
Do a view source in your browser and look at that link to see how ci did it for you! echo base_url();
CodeIgniter Users Guide - URL Helper I autoload it session and database because I always use them!
[quote author="InsiteFX" date="1338358278"]Do a view source in your browser and look at that link to see how ci did it for you! echo base_url(); [/quote] I get this error, Fatal error: Call to undefined function base_url()
Then you do not have the url_helper loaded! Autoload the url_helper in ./application/config/autoload.php under helpers.
[quote author="InsiteFX" date="1338362522"]Then you do not have the url_helper loaded! Autoload the url_helper in ./application/config/autoload.php under helpers. [/quote] Ah, yes, that was it! |
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