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Work with IP with CI

There any function to work with IP to be able to know what country a visitor comes?

[eluser]Code Arachn!d[/eluser]
You can probably use a service like http://www.hostip.info to grab the data via API

But there was any class that could use CI for managing IP without using http://www.hostip.info/

[eluser]Code Arachn!d[/eluser]
Well realistically what is needed is a super large database to query the IP block against the assigned ARP countries or something like that - so technically the requirements would be the database and then just use the regular db class.

Thanks!! :-)

[eluser]Code Arachn!d[/eluser]
Google is your friend :coolsmile:

I have used this database in the past and it works pretty good - it's frequently updated...


ip2nation.com provides a MySQL database and sample PHP scripts that you can intergrate with your CI program. It's free and it works well for me.

[eluser]Code Arachn!d[/eluser]
nice find

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